:: Designer Circle ::. is a unique store in Second Life since 2010, that offers limited-time deals on two items from each participating designer. With prices that are at or below L$100, there are many bargains to find — but you’ll need to act quick!
The 100th Anniversary of Designer Circle is in full swing with offerings from Wertina, Baubles! by Phe and VG Shoes. From Wertina comes the utterly cute Cardigan Dress. Available in standard mesh sizing and featured in three colours for the event, this dress is sophisticated and sexy. From Baubles! by Phe comes the Wild & Chic Bangle and Ring Collection. The bangles come for both wrists and feature scripted and non-scripted options, and the ring also features scripted and non-scripted versions. From VG Shoes comes the SLINK High Enabled Tara Floral Collection. The collection features 4 different colour options for the event, which are perfect for spring!
Shape: Deluxe Body Factory | Momo Shape