:: Designer Circle ::. is a unique store in Second Life since 2010, that offers limited-time deals on two items from each participating designer. With prices that are at or below L$100, there are many bargains to find — but you’ll need to act quick!
From Wertina for the 98th round of Designer Circle comes the Mandy Outfit. The outfit includes skirt, top and earrings and features standard mesh sizing. Completely cute and fantastically textured, this outfit is simply beautiful.
Skin: Deluxe Body Factory | Momo Skin | Ash Face #1
Shape: Deluxe Body Factory | Momo Shape
Makeup: Deluxe Body Factory | Masami Lipstick | dark tones #4
Hair: Miamai | Halla Blonde
Outfit & Earrings: Wertina | As Listed Above | Available at Designer Circle 98
Hands: SLINK
Poses: !bang