:: Designer Circle ::. is a unique store in Second Life since 2010, that offers limited-time deals on two items from each participating designer. With prices that are at or below L$100, there are many bargains to find — but you’ll need to act quick!
Now that Christmas is officially behind us, it’s time to plan for New Year’s Eve. If you ask a random sampling of people what is important for New Year’s Eve, they will respond that they need a perfect outfit. Enter Wertina with the release of the Evening Gown Collection for Designer Circle 95. The Evening Gown is available in standard mesh sizing and is available in Black and Red for the event. Sophisticated and sexy, this gown will make you the center of attention for your event!
Skin: Deluxe Body Factory | ::: Tilda ::: Exquisite [Ivory] ::: | December Group Gift
Shape: Deluxe Body Factory | ::: Tilda ::: | December Group Gift
Hair: Analog Dog | Mash | Blacks
Gowns: Wertina | Evening Gown | Available at Designer Circle 95
Hands: SLINK
Nails: .::PiNK CHERRY::. | As Listed Above | Available at Designer Circle 95
Poses: Glitterati
Location: The Most Fantastic Izzie Button’s Place!